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添加时间: 2022/5/14 15:14:54 来源: 作者: 点击数:2468






The Translation of Attributive Clause in Architecture English: A Report on the Translation of the Text of Landscape and Architectural Design 

The translation text consists of four parts, including Waterfront Landscape Architecture, Kindergarten Architecture, Elderly Apartments, Science and Cultural Park. Every part of Landscape and Architectural text, there are dozens of English articles. The author present the report based on the translation practice. This report consists of four parts, including task description, process description, case analysis and practice summary. In the part of task description, the nature and characters of text are presented. In the part of process description, the author introduces preparation before translation, performance in translation and revision after translation. In the part of case analysis, the author analyzes and summarizes the translation strategies of restrictive clauses and non-restrictive clauses. In the part of practice summary, the author summarizes translation experience, methods and thoughts.  

The translation text consists of a large number of long and complex sentences, and clauses are accounted for a large proportion, most of them are attributive clause. Therefore, how to analyze and translate the attributive clauses are emphases and difficulty. The author summarizes the translation strategies of the attributive clause. According to the different structure of the attributive clause in the text, the author uses the different methods of translation. The previous translations of the Architecture English are from the perspective of the lexical and syntactic features, but not from the perspective of the attributive clause. Therefore, the graduation thesis is of practical value, not only improves the author’s knowledge, but also provides reference for other students major in MTI.

Key words: Architecture English, Attributive Clause, Translation Strategies

1  任务描述

1.1 翻译文本来源


1.2 委托方要求







1.4 翻译文本体裁与特征

翻译文本属于科技文体, 有自己的专业词汇和表达习惯,话语方式为书面体,语言正式、结构严谨、表义客观。体裁属于说明文,采用陈述语气行文,避免使用诸如省略、夸张、反问、拟人等常规意义上的修辞手段和口头语言。文本在时间上,没有明显的过去与将来,所以一般使用现在时。为避免武断与强加于人的印象,力求客观、公正,文本中常以表“物”的词或“it”等代替“I”或“we”等代词做主语,这样可以避免主观臆断的倾向。而谓语常常用被动语态,恰当的时态和语态表义贴切、客观。同时文本中存在大量名词化结构,使得行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切。

翻译文本中的句子多属于阐述类, 使用完整的句子, 表义准确、完备, 形式上庄重严肃,能给人一种正式可信的感觉。文本中有大量冗长而复杂的句子,从句占很大比例。从句中的修饰语较长,这些修饰语一般都是短语和从句, 而从句中又以定语从句居多当文本要表达较为复杂的建筑景观构造与内部环境﹑建筑风格与理念时,往往都是借助于定语从句来完成,即用定语从句来修饰某个名词或名词短语,这样即符合了科技文体语言正式﹑结构严谨﹑表义客观的特征,也使文本逻辑清晰、结构严谨,使读者一目了然。同时,笔者在英译汉的翻译实践中发现,定语从句翻译的困难之处在于汉语中没有定语从句这种现象,有的只是定语修饰语英语的定语从句,不仅有长有短、结构有简有繁、对先行词的限制有强有弱,而且含义繁多,具有不同意义。因此,笔者将结合自身的翻译实践活动,会根据文本中定语从句的不同结构,采用不同的翻译方法。

2 过程描述

2.1 译前准备





2.1.3 翻译完成时间要求


2.1.4 翻译工具


2.2 翻译过程













2.3 译后事项

2.3.1 质量控制与审校


2.3.2 分析与归纳


3 案例分析

3.1 指导原则

“英语句法结构重形合,大量使用关联词,组成结构严谨的复合句,主语和谓语仿佛两根巨柱,由各色各样的关联词架接拼联,建成仿佛是多层建筑的英语句子。汉语重意合,句中的各个成分借助于意义贯穿连接,很少使用关联词,往往由比较简短的并列句或分列单句组成,承上启下,讲究层次。”(冯庆华,2011:61)由于英汉两种语言结果的这种差异, 英汉语言表达方式也完全不同,英语习惯用前置性陈述,一般是先果后因。而汉语则相反, 一般是先因后果, 层层递进,最后综合,点出主题。因此笔者在翻译实践过程中,着重注意了两种语言的结构差异,为正确理解与翻译文本奠定了基础。同时笔者遵循“在翻译实践中,既要忠实于原文,又要保证译文符合中文的语言表达习惯,就需要译者先理清原文的信息内容与结构,找出整个句子的中心内容及其各层次意思,然后分析各层次意思之间的相互逻辑关系,再按照汉语的特点与表达方式,正确地译出原文的意思。”(江涛,200811

笔者所翻译的文本,从句占很大比例,而从句中又以定语从句居多,表达了较为复杂的建筑景观概念与风格, 形式上庄重严肃。在笔者判断文本中的长句是否为定语从句时,主要遵循的原则是:“定语从句并不是一个完整的句子,关系词指代先行词或先行词的某种形式在定语从句中充当一个成分,这是判断一个句子是否为定语从句的关键”(蒋军虎,2009:1)。文本中的定语从句,就是从属于句子的一个组成单位,因为句子的组成单位是单词,所以定语从句在一个句子中所充当的角色和“单词”是一致的,即从句的表面形式是“句子结构”,本质上等同于一个“形容词”,即形容词性从句,它就在一个句子中充当定语的句子,一般放在所修饰的名词等成分之后,为后置定语的一种。因此在翻译文本的过程中,笔者在分析、解读与翻译定语从句时,就将其视作一个形容词来分析与翻译。如此一来,文本中定语从句的本质结构就会变得简洁明了,读起来也可抓住主干,便于接下来的理解与翻译。如何分析及翻译好文本中的定语从句则是笔者翻译实践的重点与难点,因此定语从句的正确理解与翻译就成为了笔者翻译实践的重要核心。

在笔者英汉翻译实践中,定语从句翻译的困难之处在于汉语中没有定语从句这种现象,有的只是定语修饰语,汉语中的定语修饰语一般是前置,呈左封闭状,并且不宜太长,结构也比较简单。而英语定语从句呈右开放状,可以向右无限扩展,它不仅有长有短、结构有简有繁、对先行词的限制有强有弱,而且含义繁多,具有不同意义。因此,笔者在翻译过程中, 会根据文本中定语从句的不同结构与不同含义, 采用不同的翻译方法。文本中的定语从句,包括限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句的翻译,笔者将分别从这两方面进行阐述。

3.2 案例分析

3.2.1 文本中限定性定语从句的翻译 

“限定性定语从句是用来对一个名词提供必要的信息a defining relative clause defines or gives essential information about a noun,以说明定语从句所修饰的先行词的身份或性质,或用来限制先行词所指的范围。若去掉限定性定语从句,则主句部分的含义不明确,意思就会很模糊,句义也会不完整,所以不能用逗号来分隔先行词和定语从句 (张满胜,2013:52)。笔者在翻译文本过程中,分别采用了前置法、后置法、转换法。前置法:就是把较短的限定性定语从句一般译成带“的”的定语词组, 放在修饰词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,一般用于译法比较简单的定语从句,大都适用于限定性定语从句。后置法:如果定语从句结构复杂, 译成汉语前置定语显得太长,不符合汉语的表达习惯时, 往往可以译成后置的并列分句。转换法:就是将定语从句转化为副词性从句,也称状语化定语从句。定语从句有些在逻辑意义上与主句有状语关系,说明原因﹑结果﹑目的等关系,笔者翻译文本时会找出这种暗含的逻辑关系,然后译成汉语相应的分句。


In each unit there are large sliding doors leading to a common, communicating area that can be used also as cycling and running pathway - a kind of 'indoor street', containing corners for water plays and winter gardens. 




In the first two kindergartens each unit is furnished with two adjustable playing walls that are hinged in the centre, and that can provide multiple combinations of small and large rooms.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词walls,做从句的主语。定语从句较长,笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,译成并列分句, 用代词“它们”代替了先行词,避免重复,逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。 


In this building typology, the type of user who will occupy the space is very much taken into account.


分析:关系代词who指代先行词user,做从句的主语。定语从句较短小,笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 置于被修饰的名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The two story daycare center, with its compact, energy efficient mass, has a relatively small footprint and maximizes the area reserved for the playground which occupies the southern half of the plot.


分析:关系代词which指代先行词playground,做从句的主语。笔者采用了前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 置于被修饰的名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


Each of the four units has an inner wardrobe that can be used as a playing area too.

译文: 四个活动区都有内置的隔间,这里可以作为孩子们游戏的场地。

分析:关系代词that指代先行词wardrobe,做从句的主语。笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,译成并列分句, 用代词“这里”代替了先行词,避免重复、逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。 


Easily adapted to the needs of children of different ages, the overall layout of the building supports interaction between groups and provides an environment that spires creativeness, learning, self-initiative and activity.




The classrooms are fully lined with untreated, local silver fire wood which conveys a pleasant and homelike atmosphere through its warm, soft character and natural wood fragrance.





It is a city that is modernizing rapidly—skyscrapers are rising out of fallow fields, a new transportation system is extending the reach of the city, and environmental initiatives are improving air and water quality.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词city,做从句的主语。笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 放在被修饰名词之前, 从而将复合句译成了汉语单句。此句破折号之后是三个句子,起到进一步解释说明的作用,笔者将其翻译为中文的三个短句,逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The landscape is the focus of the fourth principle of designing a landscape that is both beautiful and functional.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词landscape,作从句的主语。定语从句较简短,笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 放在被修饰名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The challenge for the design of new urban space is to develop a contemporary city that properly reflects the new information age and one that results in a sophisticated, richly layered urban culture.

译文:设计新型都市空间的挑战之处在于发展一个可以, 彰显新信息时代的当代城市,同时形成一个精致而丰富的城市多元文化。

分析:关系代词that指代先行词city,作从句的主语。笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 放在被修饰名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,逻辑清晰。


The perforated corrugated sheet metal facades give the entire volume a feel of lightness and vibration that blends with the surroundings of the park.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词lightness and vibration,作从句的主语。笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,将其译成并列分句,“它们”代替先行词,逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


In our proposal, apart from the large area devoted to gardens, the building becomes a "walk inside", due to the wide corridors that connect the various rooms.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词corridors,作从句的主语。定语从句较简短,笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 置于被修饰名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


This filter enhances the play of shadows and lights that is in harmony with those of the trees.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词shadows and lights,作从句的主语。笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,将其译成并列分句,“它们”代替先行词,避免重复、逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The original horizontal structure has been transformed into a vertical articulation, creating a structure that is fully in keeping with the frontages of the inner city.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词structure,作从句的主语。笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 置于被修饰名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


These bright colors are used to mark the places where the students are allowed to access.


分析:关系副词where指代先行词 places,在从句中作宾语。笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 置于被修饰名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The Hakka are Han Chinese people whose ancestors are said to have originated in the Henan and Shanxi provinces of northern China over 1,700 years ago.


分析关系限定词whose指代先行词Han Chinese people,在从句中作定语。Whose意为谁的”,替代的是先行词的所有格形式因此他不能单独使用后面必须紧跟名词。笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,将其译成并列分句, 用代词“他们”代替了先行词,逻辑清晰。 


The zone is interpreted as an archipelago existing of four different islands that house a large number of recreational facilities. 


分析:关系代词that指代先行词islands,作从句的主语。笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,将定语从句译成并列分句, 重复了先行词,逻辑清晰,结构严谨,符合中文的表达习惯。


Silo Park is located on a former cement depot, and a large silo that was once earmarked for removal has been retained, forming an iconic landmark.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词a large silo,作从句的主语。笔者采用的是前置法,把定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 置于被修饰的名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


Adjacent to Silo Park is a large bio-retention wetland that collects stormwater from the wider site.


分析:关系代词that指代先行词wetland,作从句的主语。笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,将其译成并列分句, 用代词“这里”代替了先行词,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。 


Evergreen species, with natural grass, help to create an atmosphere that defines the nature of the kindergarten while deciduous species offer a changing appearance through the seasons.


分析: 关系代词that指代先行词atmosphere,在从句中作主语。定语从句较长,笔者采用了“后置法”翻译,译成并列分句,省略先行词,结构严谨﹑逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。 


Sasaki's master plan for NCC—selected in May 2012 for implementation —focuses on five structuring principles that underscore and support the overarching philosophy of the district: to bring industries with shared values and complementary skills and technologies together to help spark new ideas. 




The compact building which is situated on the northwestern boundary of the project site makes it possible to keep the rest of the property free and provides the maximum open recreational space which is further planned for a variety of outdoor uses.



小结:针对文本中的限制性定语从句的翻译,笔者主要采用了前置法、后置法、转换法。⑴当文本中的定语从句主要用来限制和定义被修饰词,并且较短时, 笔者采用了前置法,译成汉语的“的”字结构, 置于被修饰词之前, 以达到限制、强调、突出重点的作用。⑵当文本中的定语从句结构复杂, 译成汉语前置定语会显得头重脚轻又太长时,为了更加符合汉语的表达习惯, 笔者将定语从句译成后置的并列分句,采用了后置法翻译。笔者根据具体情况,又分别按三种情况翻译:①译成并列分句, 重复英语先行词;②译成并列分句, 省略英语先行词;③译成并列分句,用代词代替之前的英语先行词。⑶同时文本中有些形式上是定语从句, 但从语义逻辑关系上分析则起着状语从句的作用,这种定语从句,称其为状语性定语从句。在翻译这类从句时, 笔者采用了转换法,即根据定语从句和先行词以及整个主从句的内在关系, 将其译成相应的状语从句,表示目的等。同时文本中的句子较长,多用动词, 语序较为固定, 句法讲究对称。因此笔者在进行翻译实践时, 没有把每一个英语句子都译成相对应的汉语句子, 否则译文就会出现逻辑不清﹑层次不明等问题, 这时采用以上不同的翻译方法是较合理的,能够有效解决相关问题。

3.2.2 文本中非限定性定语从句的翻译

“非限定性定语从句是用来提供附加的而非必要的信息,是可有可无的,先行词本身意义明确,非限定性定语从句只是对先行词作进一步的解释﹑补充或说明(a non-defining relative clause gives optional information about a noun),对先行词的“限制”作用不强,彼此关系相对松散。”(张满胜,2013:52)非限定性定语从句与其先行词之间一般是用逗号隔开,这是笔者判断一个句子为非限定性定语从句的重要特征。在意义和逻辑上,文本中的非限定性定语从句相当于并列句,甚至状语从句,笔者在, 翻译文本时会根据意义和逻辑灵活翻译。文本中关系代词which引导的非限定性定语从句占多数,由于这类定语从句还经常与并列结构结合起来,所以容易分不清which指代的对象,因此笔者首先要寻找which指代的对象,关键是要找准先行词,如此才不会理解错误进而翻译有误。文本中的非限定性定语从句包括两类,第一类是先行词为词或词组,即关系词指代的先行词是单纯地一个名词或是名词词组,非限定性定语从句对其进行进一步的解释说明与补充。第二类关系词指代的是前面的整个句子,非限定性定语从句对其进行总结与概述。笔者将分别从这两个方面对文本中的非限定性定语从句的翻译进行总结。文本中关系词指代词或词组的翻译


The program defined by the Government of Aragon, which includes 12 classrooms, dining-hall and complementary spaces, breaks into an open layout that allows it to make a perceivable environment for children and ensure the lighting and natural ventilation in all spaces.


分析:关系代词which指代先行词the program,在从句中做主语。此句中先行词与关系代词被分隔,中间插入了一个其他成分。笔者初看which引导的定语从句在名词Aragon的后面,似乎应该是修饰Aragon,但实际上Which引导的非限制性定语从句是修饰先行词the program, 两者被the government of Aragon这个成分分隔开来,因此在笔者理解与翻译时,特别注意了定语从句被分隔的情况,没有造成理解与翻译错误。笔者将这个非限制性定语从句翻译为一个并列分句,将关系代词指代的名词译为“它”,避免重复、逻辑较清晰,符合中文多短句的表达方式。


Science Parks are organizations managed by specialized professionals, whose main aim is to increase the wealth of its community by promoting the culture of innovation and the competitiveness of its associated businesses and knowledge-based institutions.


分析:关系词whose在这里指代的是先行词specialized professionals的所有格形式,因而不能单独使用,后面紧跟了名词main aim笔者将关系词指代的名词译为人称代词“他们”, 做第二个分句的主语, 定语从句被译为第二个分句,如此一来,译文避免重复、条理清晰。


Science Parks are a sort of specialized Industrial Parks, which allow the interaction between education, research and technology development.


分析:关系代词which指代先行词industrial parks,在从句中做主语。翻译方法是将非限制性定语从句译为一个并列分句,逻辑较清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The architects viewed the project as a unique opportunity to construct a public space, which challenges the common contrast between private and public development, and suggests a new agenda of hospitality for collective open spaces.


分析:关系代词which指代先行词public space,作从句的主语,对先行词起到补充说明的作用。笔者将非限制性定语从句译成并列分句, 省略了先行词,避免重复,使得译文简练,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The entrance of the second is at the back of the first, which have been mingled with some available dwelling houses, and there are some land separated from each other.

译文:二期入口在一期背面, 一期与一些现有的住宅毗邻,中间隔有空地。

分析:关系代词which指代先行词the first,作从句的主语。笔者将其翻译为一个并列分句,重复先行词,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The wings of the building house the bedrooms, which are arranged around a central core of bathrooms to free up the full width of the living space and orientate it towards a bow window.




The architecture created by the Philippon Kalt team offers these very sensitive elderly people, who can become disoriented and stressed in confined spaces, a welcoming, spacious, and luminous living environment.  

译文:由Philippon Kalt团队设计的建筑,旨在为那些身处封闭空间就易困惑紧张又敏感的老年人,提供一个热情、宽敞、明亮的居住环境。

分析:关系代词who指代的先行词elderly people ,在从句中做主语。将非限定性定语从句译成带“的”的定语词组, 置于被修饰名词之前, 从而将复合句译成汉语单句,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The new retirement home is an H-shaped building, at the centre of which is an atrium, open on each of the building’s three levels, which houses the service areas and residents’ day rooms.


分析:此句包含两个定语从句,其中第一个关系代词which之前有一个介词词组at the centre of,两者合一等同于关系副词where在从句中作地点状语,表示地点。笔者将其翻译成并列分句,逻辑清晰。第二个关系代词which指代的先行词the building’s three levels,在从句中做主语,笔者同样将其翻译为一个并列分句,并重复关系代词所指代的名词,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The design introduces an extensive undulating, non-hierarchical surface, that acts both as a reflection of the mythological dunes, and as an open invitation to free interpretations and unstructured activities.


分析:关系代词that指代的先行词surface,在从句中做主语。笔者将定语从句翻译为一个并列分句,将关系代词所指代的名词译为代词“它”, 做第二个分句的主语, 避免重复,逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


5 landscape themes, which best represents the tropical mood, - the mangrove swamp, rock garden, rolling hills and terrain, costal floral, and tropical rainforest - are introduced along the boardwalk to orchestrate a diversified environment to evoke an ever-changing experience along the bridge.  


分析:关系代词which指代先行词landscape themes,作从句的主语,对先行词起到补充说明的作用。笔者将非限制性定语从句译成并列分句,省略先行词,避免重复,使得译文简练,逻辑较清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The sharp angle between the fingers makes a sort of a fake-perspective effect, which gives you the feeling of a bigger space.


分析:关系代词which指代的先行词a fake-perspective effect,在从句中做主语。笔者将定语从句翻译成一个并列分句,省略了关系代词所指代的名词, 避免重复,符合中文多短语的表达习惯。 


The avenue is lined with a series of three to five storey buildings, all of which include ground level display and retail spaces, intended to bring a genuine “street life” to the district.


分析:关系代词all of which指代先行词buildings,在从句中做主语。笔者将其翻译成一个并列分句,同时重复关系代词所指代的名词,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


The added floor ends with a series of roof caps, the apartments are cozy under the coverswhich soften the massive character of the original building.




At the centre of the masterplan is a public square and pedestrian zone, which connects north across a new bridge to the CBD and south to the new museum and conference centre.


分析:关系代词which指代的先行词square and zone,在从句中做主语。笔者将非限定性定语从句翻译为一个并列分句,用指示代词“这里”代替关系代词所指代的名词,避免重复,符合汉语多短语的表达习惯。 


The interior space consists of three floors, which form spaces with different heights.




This project is situated on the Littoral Parc site, which is often criticised for having brought too many commercial activities to its strategic location on the Riviera vaudoise on the banks of Lake Geneva.


分析:关系代词which指代的先行词project,在从句中做主语。此句中先行词与关系代词被分隔,中间插入了一个其他成分。笔者初看which引导的定语从句在名词site的后面,似乎应该是修饰site,但实际上Which引导的定语从句是修饰先行词project, 两者被the littoral parc site这个成分分隔开来,因此在笔者理解与翻译时,特别注意了定语从句被分隔的情况,没有造成理解和翻译上的错误。笔者将定语从句翻译为两个并列分句,将关系代词所指代的名词译为人称代词“它”, 做第二个分句的主语, 逻辑清晰,符合中文多短句的表达习惯。

小结:笔者在翻译先行词为词或词组的非限定性定语从句时,注意了它与翻译限定性定语从句的不同,关键是先要理清主从句的逻辑关系,笔者在此基础上翻译,译文才会比较准确通顺。非限定性定语从句和它的先行词之间是比较松散的关系,对先行词不起限定的作用,只是对其起到进一步解释说明的作用。因此笔者翻译非限定性定语从句时,没有采用“前置法”,将其翻译成带“的”定语词组,置于被修饰名词之前,那样也会显得头重脚轻, 不符合汉语表达习惯。当文本中关系词指代名词或名词词组时,一般将其译成并列分句。笔者在翻译过程中,根据非限定性定语从句的不同结构和不同含义, 具体采用了以下三种翻译方法:

1) 重复关系代词所指代的名词, 有时可以在名词前加指示代词“这”。

2)将关系代词所指代的名词译为人称代词“它”﹑“它们”或“他”“他们”, 做第二个分句的主语, 一般是定语从句被译为第二个分句。




Both kindergarten concepts are an exploration of children’s scale and imaginative world – fairytales with themes of transition, conversion and surprise, which are an inspiration for the design of rooms and playing walls.




The open space concept also shapes an unmistakable atmosphere for corporate culture, for a rather casual working style and a climate of interaction and communication, all of which are necessary for fostering innovation and progress.




The strategy is based in the concepts of additive architecture and carpet-building, from the definition of the class as a unit or cell-types and their grouping into an open, flexible and extensive nature, setting up a rug or carpet on the ground, which defines the alternation between interior and exterior spaces.


分析: 关系代词which指代的是前面的整个句子,作从句中的主语。“班级”“教室”“地毯”三者共同作用来达到“为孩子们营造出室内与户外的交替空间”。三者是平行并列关系,笔者在翻译此句时,分别译成三个分句,达到了句式的平行与平等的逻辑关系,而非限定性定语从句是对前面内容的总结与概况,因此笔者将其翻译为一个独立句。逻辑清晰,同时符合中文多短句的表达习惯。


Light grey color is a neutral colorwhich means that the door can only be accessed by staff.




A grand axis with a pedestrian focus and rich, informal planting, this ‘boulevard’ establishes a new public realm language for Auckland, which promotes a civic presence with an indigenous character.



小结:当非限定性定语从句中的关系代词which指代前面的整个主句时,它是对主句内容的阐述与总结, 具有一定的独立意义,关系代词which 引导的定语从句一般都是位于主句之后。因此, 笔者在翻译时, 会将非限定性定语从句翻译为一个分句, 甚至是独立的简单句,采用的方法是分译法,即译成独立句,将从句与主句分译,独立成句,使用了代词 这、这些”来代替之前的主句内容,避免了重复。

4 实践总结


1 翻译价值,始于笔下





翻译文本前,笔者首先查阅了景观建筑的相关背景知识,对文本在宏观上有了大致的认识与了解,它是进行翻译实践活动的基础。其次,要读懂文本, 搞清楚原文中涉及的方方面面, 点点滴滴。理解首先就要对原文的词汇与句法进行理解与解构,读懂文本中词汇的含义与句法的逻辑关系。笔者认为翻译不仅是语言形式的转换, 也是笔者积极的思维认知活动。笔者对原文结构进行的分析便是一个能动的认知过程,这是做好翻译的第一步。其次,在读懂原文的基础上,再用符合目标语表达习惯的方式表达出来。最后,笔者要对译文进行多次阅读与修改,进行多次自我审核、他人审核、自己校对与他人校对。俗话说“好的译文都是修改出来的”,可见译文质量的优劣与审核与校对息息相关,意义重大。

4 翻译策略,灵活多变

笔者认为翻译不同类型和体裁的文章, 应该运用不同的翻译原则与方法, 这是当代翻译理论的核心。在翻译实践中,笔者针对文本中这类实用性文章, 翻译时以传递信息为目的,也就是说, 笔者的翻译原则是以内容准确为中心, 以目标语读者为中心,因此笔者采用“直译”较多。而不必像文学翻译那样,时常要采用“意译”的翻译方法。如果今后笔者再遇到其他题材的文本翻译,就必须采用其他翻译策略和方法,不能一成不变。因此,不断更新与学习新的翻译理论与翻译策略是作好一名译员必备的要求。



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The Schinkel zone is an area along the Schinkel channel, located on the fringe of Amsterdam. The zone is interpreted as an archipelago existing of four different islands that house a large number of recreational facilities. The backbone of the design is a recreational and ecological connection between the Vondelpark and the Amsterdam Forest, using an old railway embankment. The various functions determine the nature of the islands: There is a tennis island, an island of boat houses, a soccer island, a park island and a nature island. By increasing the total area of water and using piers, platforms, bridges and reed beds, the presence of water is felt more directly. The area becomes a unique Water Park forming a new entrance for the city of Amsterdam.


Sentosa Boardwalk


The Sentosa Boardwalk is built on a new structure, over the sea and abutting the existing Sentosa Bridge, with an overall length of 670 metres. The Boardwalk mainly serves as a link to facilitate pedestrian flow between the two neighboring development, connecting the Sentosa Island with Vivocity seamlessly. Situated near the apex of the Southern Ridges, the Boardwalk design seeks to extend this greenbelt into the Sentosa Island in celebration of tropical living in Singapore.


5 landscape themes which best represents the tropical mood, - the mangrove swamp, rock garden, rolling hills and terrain, costal floral, and tropical rainforest - are introduced along the boardwalk to orchestrate a diversified environment to evoke an ever-changing experience along the bridge. With an area of 16,400sqm, the timber deck is designed to push the boundaries of a bridge beyond a means of transport, by assuming of a role as a public space, allowing users to rest, play and dine along a lush garden set on the sea front. To incorporate these spaces while maintaining the imagery of a timber bridge, the timber surfaces peel and fold organically to carve out spaces, seating and undulating terrain. This creates an aesthetic interplay of contrast between the intended rustic experiences, with the contemporary urban setting.  


Situated along the sea front, the permeability and openness of the circulatory spaces ensures that users are constantly exposed to natural elements such as sun, sea breeze and lush greenery while visually connected to the sea view in the horizon. This seamless connection with adjacent development seeks to encourage users to step into the open and embrace nature. Night lighting created by light sculptures placed along the boardwalk is subtle at the start of the journey from Vivocity and progressively illuminates brighter towards the climax at the end of the Boardwalk. This creates a dynamic identity of the Boardwalk and a sense of anticipation of entering the vibrant Sentosa Island.


Tel Aviv Port Public Space Regeneration


Situated on one of Israel's most breathtaking waterfronts, the Tel Aviv Port was plagued with neglect since 1965, when its primary use as an operational docking port was abandoned. The recently completed public space development project by Mayslits Kassif Architects, managed to restore this unique part of the city, and turn it into a prominent, vivacious urban landmark.

特拉维夫港口位于风光旖旎的以色列滨水之畔,原是一座货运港口,但自从1965年停用之后,便淡出了人们的视野。最近由Mayslits Kassif建筑事务所完成的公共空间开发项目,力图重建特拉维夫市这一独特的区域,并将它打造成为突出且富有活力的城市地标。

The architects viewed the project as a unique opportunity to construct a public space which challenges the common contrast between private and public development, and suggests a new agenda of hospitality for collective open spaces. The design, a winner of an open competition held in 2003 (entry submitted by Mayslits Kassif Architects in collaboration with Galila Yavin) was quickly brought to life by a new management, with locals and visitors flocking to the revamped port even before the project was completed.

建筑师们把这个项目视为塑造公共空间千载难逢的机会,挑战普遍为人们接受的私人开发项目及公共土地开发项目对立的观念,提出公共露天空间要环境亲民的新主张。这个设计在2003年投标竞赛中脱颖而出(由Mayslits Kassif建筑事务所与 Galila Yavin 合作),并通过全新的项目运作,很快得以实施。在此项目未完全竣工时,当地居民和游客就已成群地涌向这个翻建的港口去一睹它的风采。

The design introduces an extensive undulating, non-hierarchical surface, that acts both as a reflection of the mythological dunes on which the port was built, and as an open invitation to free interpretations and unstructured activities. Various public and social initiatives – from spontaneous rallies to artistic endeavors and public acts of solidarity – are now drawn to this unique urban platform, indicating the project's success in reinventing the port as a vibrant public sphere.  


Nowadays when approximately 2.5 million people visit the Tel Aviv Port every year– a record number for a metropolitan area spanning 1 million residents, in a country of 7 million - the port's public spaces renewal is considered one of the most influential project of its kind in Tel Aviv. Alongside receiving international recognition and several prestigious architectural awards, such as the Rosa Barba European Landscape Prize for 2010, it receives great affection from the public and is ranked as the most beloved recreation space by the inhabitants of Tel Aviv's metropolitan area. Being a new urban landmark which revives the city's waterfront, the project became a trigger for a series of public space projects along Tel Aviv’s shoreline which altogether revolutionize the city's connection to its waterfront.


The intervention in the Ebro Banks  


The north boundary of the Tenerías - Las Fuentes project area covered the space along the right bank between the Ebro river bed and the buildings that comprise the north edge of the Tenerías and Fuentes districts, running as far as the location of the future dam (calle Fray Luis Urbano) to the east and the Puente de Hierro (Iron Bridge, from the XIX century) to the west. 

项目位于西班牙拉斯富恩特斯的Tenerías,该区北起埃布罗河河床的右岸及建筑群之间,向东可以延伸到规划中的水坝(弗赖路易斯乌尔巴诺水坝),西至Puente de Hierro桥(19世纪铁桥)。

This is a built-up area consisting of the Echegaray and Caballero promenade and a park running lengthwise between this avenue and the river Ebro.The possibility of creating a walkway along the right bank of the Ebro through a garden area running from the iron bridge along Echegaray promenade to near the bridge on the third ring road, taking into account the future Ebro dam pedestrian link, makes this project an outstanding route for pedestrians through the city.  


The project creates a pedestrian link between the centre of the city and the natural setting of Soto de Cantalobos and the river Gállego water park, and creates a network of routes running the length of the project area, clearly differentiating between the roads and paths for cars, bicycles and pedestrians in the city, and those for water, sports, leisure and pedestrian activities in natural settings.The project enhances the view from this area towards the Virgen del Pilar’s Basilica, creating a link between the project area and the city centre thanks to one of its most famous landmarks.

该项目在市中心和Soto de Cantalobos 自然景观与Gállego水上公园之间建造了一条人行通道,区域内道路四通八达,清晰地分为汽车路、自行车路与行人路,自然景观中也划定了水域、运动、休闲及散步活动区域。从项目向皮拉尔圣母大教堂眺望,风景秀美,项目将本区域与市中心联系起来,使它成为了该地区最有名的地标之一。

Trafford Wharf Promenade


Quayside designed by London-based FoRM Associates in front of Imperial War Museum North by Daniel Libeskind is now open to the public.

The new quayside completes the first section of the Irwell River Park masterplan, 8km long river edge park linking Salford, Manchester and Trafford developed by FoRM Associates in 2010. With the adjoining new Media City foot bridge by Wilkinson Eyre Architects the quayside delivers an important new strategic circulation loop in the Quays, a key regeneration zone in Greater Manchester. The loop helps to transforms the experience of walking in the area through linking Media City UK - the new home of the BBC, with the IWMN, Manchester United Stadium and Lowry Arts Centre.  

该码头项目位于丹尼尔·利伯斯金设计的曼彻斯特帝国战争博物馆前方,由总部在伦敦的FORM Associates设计事务所设计,现在已对外公众开放。8公里长的河畔公园连接了索尔福特、曼彻斯特和特拉福德,它是由FORM Associates2010年开发的项目,新的码头广场完成了艾尔韦尔河公园总体规划设计的第一期。码头广场连接了由威尔金森·艾尔设计的新媒体城步行天桥,在码头区域内形成一条全新又重要的策略性的环形路线,构成了大曼彻斯特地区主要的重建区域。这个环形路线有助于通过打通英国媒体城英国广播公司新总部大楼、曼彻斯特帝国战争博物馆,以及曼彻斯特联队体育场和洛利艺术中心之间的联系,丰富了该地区人们的步行新体验。

FORM’s design of the quayside plays with convex and concave geometries, creating an imaginative public realm complementing the designs of both the IWMN and the new Media Bridge.  Importantly the project also actively orientates the IWMN towards its water edge with its newly constructed additional entrance now admitting over 50% of the museums visitors. The original severance to movement along the Manchester Ship Canal was resolved by a newly constructed deck and stepped area built over water, delivering generous pedestrian and cycling connectivity as well as a series of public realm spaces that serve as informal performance/educational resource for the museum. Terraced seating leading down to the water’s edge provides excellent views of the area making the new quayside already a popular destination both during the day and the evenings.


“FORM Associates were not known to Peel before the Trafford Wharf commission. They proved to be one of the most innovative and professional consultants I have worked with. The project was delivered not just on time and entirely within a tight budget but with great flair and imagination. FORM clearly understood their brief and delivered not just a visual delight but, in concert with the structural engineer produced a technically sound and simply constructed solution.” Ed Burrows, Property Director, Peel Media

FORM Associates是在特拉福德滨河长廊项目之后才被Peel媒体所熟知,实践证明他们是我合作过的最有创新意识和最为专业的顾问团之一。该项目工期紧、预算紧,但都能按时交付,且极具创意和想象力。FORM 很清楚他们的宗旨,在创造出建筑视觉盛宴的同时,与结构工程师通力合作,提出技术合理、

构造简洁的解决方案。”任职于Peel 媒体的主管艾德 ·巴罗斯说道。

North Wharf Promenade, Jellicoe Street and Silo Park


The first catalytic projects of this redevelopment are public spaces centered on Jellicoe Street, North Wharf and Silo Park. These spaces promote an alternative design approach to the typical erasure of waterfront memory. Here, friction is encouraged, smelly fish are the attraction, rust, grit and patina are embraced and derelict artefacts are reprogrammed. Jellicoe Harbour runs parallel to North Wharf Promenade and is used for a diverse array of purposes, including container shipping, ferry services and commercial fishing. Previously, these activities were conducted out of the public eye. Now, however, they are part of the public realm experience and integrated as attractions.


A grand axis with a pedestrian focus and rich, informal planting, this ‘boulevard’ establishes a new public realm language for Auckland, one that promotes a civic presence with an indigenous character. Through the narrowing of the overall road dimensions and the introduction of a new tram network, Jellicoe Street prioritises pedestrian circulation over heavy vehicular traffic. The introduction of rough sawn granite setts, fingers of sub-tropical rain gardens, seating and bicycle lanes encourage a human scale interaction with the street and the adjacent Auckland Fish Market.



Silo Park links North Wharf promenade with marine industries to its west. Silo Park is located on a former cement depot, and a large silo that was once earmarked for removal has been retained, forming an iconic landmark. The park now plays host to a range of public functions as passive recreation, events space, youth precinct and weekend market. Adjacent to Silo Park is a large bio-retention wetland that collects stormwater from the wider site. Indigenous planting references the site’s conditions pre-industry. The planting selection references an important element of Maori culture - the viewing of a green edge when approaching land. By embracing a narrative of place, Jellicoe Street, North Wharf Promenade and Silo Park offer a public realm experience that is both contemporary and sensitive to the site’s history, culture and climate.


Scarborough Beach Urban Design Master Plan Stages 1 & 4


Scarborough Beach has long been a popular destination for tourists and Western Australians alike.  However, the beachfront was in decline.  The infrastructure was run down and anti-social behavior had become a major problem. The Scarborough Beach Urban Design Master Plan prepared by Blackwell & Associates and endorsed by the City of Stirling in 2005 outlined a logical sequence of stages for the progressive redevelopment of the Scarborough Beach waterfront area. Subsequent to the successful completion of the Scarborough Beach Urban Design Master Plan and immediately following the City of Stirling securing the rights to hold the National Surf Life Saving Championships at Scarborough, Blackwell & Associates were engaged to implement the $9M first stage of this project.

长久以来斯卡伯勒海滩都是深受旅游者和澳大利亚西部居民欢迎的旅游胜地。然而,这里日趋败落,基础设施停止运转,反社会行为成为了主要问题。Blackwell & Associates公司起草了斯卡伯勒海滩城市设计规划,规划中概述了逐步重建斯卡伯勒海滩海滨区不同阶段的前景,并于2005年在斯特灵市得以通过。斯卡伯勒海滩城市设计规划大获成功,斯特灵市获得在斯卡伯勒举办全国冲浪救生锦标赛的资格。之后,Blackwell & Associates投入实施了价值900万美元的一期工程。

The intent was to reinvigorate the urban environment and concentrate community activity in the centrepiece of the Master Plan, a world-class multifunction amphitheatre, planned to become home to all manner of events ranging from small community orientated ceremonies, to state, national and international sporting and entertainment events. This included: improvement of the beach front and reintroduction of the dune system at the western termination of Scarborough Beach Road; the upgrade of West Coast Highway and the car parking and al-fresco areas along the northern extent of The Esplanade plus the creation of extensive grassed terraces and a major new 1,000 seat, ‘performance standard’ amphitheatre. We worked closely with the sail shade fabricators in a collaborative effort, using 3D modelling software, to design an iconic structure that, on one hand maintained sight lines from the upper terraces and, on the other provided appropriate containment and maximum shade protection during the middle of the day. Since its completion, the amphitheatre has become the City’s most frequently used and successful outdoor venue.


Promenade Des Anglais


The “Promende Des Anglais” (the English Promenade) is registered in the collective consciousness as an international heritage and doubtless as a myth. As such, reorganize it, committed our team to adopt in this design competition, in prerequisite, a real ethics of project.Improveconsolidate certainly but, not to the point, that at the end of this development, we cannot collect any more of its memories in the modified reality. Certain configurations of the « Promenade » have, at least in their spirit, qualities which ought, in our sense, remain intact.

The « Promenade Des Anglais »project extends from the Etats Unies docks up to the of the avenue of the Lantern.

The main guidelines of this project are the following ones
- Assert the « Promendade Des Anglais » as a world reference
- Restore the link between the City and the sea
- To develop “ The Prom” as space of leisure activities and culture



1. “盎格鲁滨海路”打造成国际知名地标;

2. 重新把城市与海洋联系起来;

3. 发展“滨海人行道”,使其成为休闲活动和文化的场所。

Shenzhen Bay Coastline Park


The design and construction of the Shenzhen Bay Waterfront established a permanent, public waterfront park for 10 million people, gives new life to waterfront as an irreplaceable ecosystem, reclaims a South China cultural landscape, and serves as a model for sustainable waterfront development.Shenzhen, China is located in the Pearl River Delta in a region known for its complex network of rivers that meet at a mountain fringed sea. Historically a coastline of small fishing villages, in 1980 the region was established as a Special Chinese Economic Zone and it entered into a thirty year period defined by uncompromising “modernization”. Huge monetary wealth was brought to the region by mining entire mountains in order to fill its oceanside bay and to rapidly create more developable land.


Generations of people who defined their sense of place by a bay connection were left to wonder how the water had so quickly vanished from beneath them.Shenzhen has become an internationally recognized city through bold ambitions, much persistence, and a singular focus on creating hard edges of modernity. However, the price of this all in approach reached a crescendo louder than the cranes, dump trucks, and construction crews enveloping the city. An international design competition was held and the submitting firm was selected based on their concept of creating a final landfill line focused on “edges, connections, and cycles” honoring the bay’s historic sense of place. The submitting landscape architecture team subsequently developed plans from planning concept to design development and provided construction phase services.




The strategy is based in the concepts of additive architecture and carpet-building, from the definition of the class as a unit or cell-types and their grouping into an open, flexible and extensive nature, setting up a rug or carpet on the ground, which defines the alternation between interior and exterior spaces.The program defined by the Government of Aragon, which includes 12 classrooms, dining-hall and complementary spaces, breaks into an open layout that allows it to make a perceivable environment for children and ensure the lighting and natural ventilation in all spaces.


Opposite to the plan disintegration, a seamless flat deck that rises, falls and breaks as a function of interior spaces, gives the whole a unit and topographic character, providing each use a specific height. Classrooms` broken profile allows dual lighting and increases its depth, with a well-suited square size. Outside, the building is defined by a continous roof of inclined walls over a ventilated facade made by a large-format ceramic-extruded cladding. Ceramic fixed and anodized aluminium slats and the metallic finishing of the porches complete the exterior image of the building.


Inside, the building makes a clear differentiation between the surfaces accessible to the children in the proposed range of materials, textures and colors in contrast with sober finishing above. The focus in the project to the outdoors is reflected in the definition of ground plane materials and gardening. Evergreen species, with natural grass, help to create an atmosphere that defines the nature of the kindergarten while deciduous species offer a changing appearance through the seasons.


School Center Paredes


School Center Paredes includes original artwork and interplay with outside space.

The School Center has been designed to accommodate around 600 children, from the ages of three to nine. Within the school, the children are divided by the 1st cycle, kindergarten and ATL (Leisure Activities). The first floor consists of administration areas, service and a reception for parents whilst the ground floor contains a gymnasium and the majority of the school classrooms, with a direct link to the playgrounds (both covered and uncovered).



School Center Paredes is composed of a white volume resting on four black volumes, thus marking the separation between floors. The majority of the project works around the creation of three patios/playgrounds and the relationship of the building with the slope of the existing ground. Contact with the outside was key to this project, with the organisation and shape of the interior space allowing all circulations to enjoy a large amount of natural light. By including a number of covered outdoor spaces, the building now provides excellent leisure facilities for children in all seasons. Several wall paintings in the playgrounds and atriums were carried out by artists invited by the designer in an attempt to enrich the interior space.


The building structure is in concrete and the exterior walls are made with the ventilated facade system. The black panels are Slate Stone ( from Portugal) and white panels are "Estremoz" marble stone (from Portugal).The rest of the exterior walls are covered with a white cement covered with micro marble stones. The roof is covered with ventilated white thermal plates made of cement and roof mate. In the interiors we applied hydraulic mosaic floor in the corridors and vinyl flooring in classrooms and school offices. The Ceilings are in plasterboard with acoustic  correction. The wall paintings are done in vinyl from "vescom". The school is equipped with solar panels.


School Centre Krems


The School Centre is a generic term used for defining the individual components of the Project, four schools, the kindergarten and the parking deck. In this project various functions such as Secondary, Special a Polytechnical School as well as sports halls are combined into a single building form and organized in such a way that the spaces created are derived from the various school types. The compact building which is situated on the northwestern boundary of the project site makes it possible to keep the rest of the property free and provides the maximum open recreational space which is further planned for a variety of outdoor uses. Access ways, spatial utilisation and visual connections are defined by way of cutting in to the building volume which results in the creation of courtyards, patios and school halls.


The main access area to the school centre from Edmund Hofbauer street forms a common entrance and can be accessed through a roofed courtyard which then opens up to the two story high school hall. Additional entrances are created to the east for the Special school and from the west for the external use of the sport hall. The internal organization of the individual areas is clearly arranged and is interconnected over short distances. A smooth transition between the indoor and outdoor areas and their respective connection spaces provides the necessary diversity of use required for the running of the school. The interconnected areas of the outdoor spaces and break areas on the roof of the sport hall and of the garden are articulated through the use of different surface materials than that of individual areas. As a result of these interventions the recreational spaces undergo a diversified arrangement tailored to the use of the functional areas.


Sommereng Kindergartens


The kindergarten concept guarantees the possibility of having multifunctional rooms. With very simple moves, each room can be changed into new rooms of variable sizes and functions. There are several options of combinations and joint actions of rooms and spaces.The kindergarten is divided into four playing units intended for different groups of kids. In each unit there are large sliding doors leading to a common, communicating area that can be used also as cycling and running pathway - a kind of 'indoor street', containing corners for water plays and winter gardens. 


The ‘rough’ entrance wardrobes, the kitchen and the playing rooms are peeking out of the facade. Each of the four units has an inner wardrobe that can be used as a playing area too. In each unit, there is a reading nook and a small kitchenette. From here a narrow staircase leads to a cozy mezzanine, a room for the kids which corresponds to their proportions and scale. The mezzanine has many lookout holes and openings with Plexiglas. On the mezzanine roof a glass dome allows to watch the sky shift: stars, northern lights, clouds, rain, snow and sun.


In the first two kindergartens each unit is furnished with two adjustable playing walls that are hinged in the centre, and that can provide multiple combinations of small and large rooms. The walls contain a variety of playing elements, shelves, drawers, pull-out furniture, whiteboard walls, climbing walls, puppet shows, etc. In the four more recent kindergartens the wall theme is further experimented with playing features with diverse spatiality and use integrated into a fixed wall. Both kindergarten concepts are an exploration of children’s scale and imaginative world – fairytales with themes of transition, conversion and surprise, which are an inspiration for the design of rooms and playing walls.


Sta. Isabel Kindergarten


In this building typology, the type of user who will occupy the space is very much taken into account. The fact that they are children is a major conditioning factor in the project, and so the aim was to treat this building with special sensitivity. The result is a series of luminous and comfortable spaces in which the safety of the children is paramount. The Santa Isabel nursery school is presented as a geometric piece developed on the plan and section as two large units of concrete, glass and timber and housing, on one hand, the educational programme with classrooms, bedrooms and multiple use room and, on the other, the services such as teachers' room, refectory, kitchen and installations. The blocks are closed off to the north in order to protect them from the inclemency of the weather and the noise from the outside.


In contrast, they open to the south through a glazed enclosure framed in timber and glass, seeking sunlight and the vision of the playground. The building is conceived on the plan and section as two boxes of concrete, glass and timber, materials that acquire a great deal of importance in this architectural project, in a search for the relative insulation from the outside provided by glass and the climatic warmth of wood.The project brings versatility and multifunctionality to the classrooms. They are separated by means of mobile partitioning systems that allow two classrooms for children of the same age to be united into a single one, facilitating a different educational programme that is suitable for more pupils. Adapted to this layout are the changing rooms, lavatories and bedrooms, which operated well for the standard classrooms and for fusing them into one. 


The Children’s School


The 15,000 sf school, for 120 children ages 2-8, is conceived by the client as a “one-room schoolhouse.”  In the design, roof planes subtly tilt against one another to let in light from above between their skewed forms, and classroom spaces below are defined without the use of walls.  The scheme creates a fragmented reading of the building which reduces the scale of building and makes it more appropriate to the scale of the child.

This project is LEED Certified.  It treads lightly on the earth while seeking to heighten the students’ sense of relationship with the site.  The building has a passive solar design with cross-ventilation in order to extend the seasons in which heating and cooling are not necessary.  The school opens to the south to take in solar gain.  Louvers on the south and west elevation are used to control the summer sun and dapple and modulate light entering the building.  The building is largely slab on grade, so this thermal mass, coupled with the building’s orientation to the south, allows for maximum winter sun intake and heat storage.

The palette of natural and regional materials was selected primarily for its durability and sustainability. Interior finishes free of volatile compounds create a learning environment with the best possible air quality.  Outdoor, covered spaces act as an extension of the interior learning spaces.  The entry area hosts quiet activities that calm the child upon arrival, acting as a space of mediation between the wings of the building.    This project has received local, regional and national design awards, including a 2008 Honor Award for Design Excellence from the Boston Society of Architects.


Tuomarila Day Care Center



The two story daycare center, with its compact, energy efficient mass, has a relatively small footprint and maximises the area reserved for the playground which occupies the southern half of the plot. An efficient use of the topography of the sloping site allows for entrances both on the ground floor and first floor.To create a sense of transition between the indoor group activity spaces and the outdoor playground, triangular wedges have been sliced from the building mass. The facades of the cut-out spaces are clad in a playful mosaic of colors inspired by children´s building bricks. This has an iconographic effect and transforms the scale of the building to one more appropriate for young children.


Inside, the rooms are laid out along continuous street-like entrance spaces also intended for play activities. The lay-out of these spaces creates long internal views and provide several ‘meeting points’, helping to create a sense of community for staff and children. The orientation of the spaces allows daylight deep into the interior of the building. Comfort is ensured by sun-protected window glass, overhanging sheltering roofs and carefully positioned transparent partitions. There are home areas for five groups of children, two on the ground floor and three on the upper floor. These comprise an activity room and a resting room. The activity and resting rooms are all white in order to create a neutral backdrop for the children´s creative activities, spaces where `the children provide the color´, but the mosaic of colors can be seen through the windows.


Color coded wet entrances are provided at each of the three access points used by children, with compact and flexible systems for storing and drying clothes. In addition to the home areas and the play spaces in the open plan area, there is a multipurpose hall, activity rooms for small groups, a kitchen and facilities and offices for the staff. Each children’s group has direct access to the playground through the triangular terraces. The multipurpose hall, open plan area and kitchen can be used in the evenings and weekends by members of the community. Easily adapted to the needs of children of different ages, the overall layout of the building supports interaction between groups and provides an environment that nutures and inspires creativeness, learning, self-initiative and activity.


Vaajakoski School


The school is situated on the right side of the hilly plot. At the school yard there are several activities spend spare time. For example a game arena. The mass of the building consists of three fingers joining together. Courtyards between fingers create spaces to spend leisure time. The sharp angle between the fingers makes a sort of a fake-perspective effect, that gives you the feeling of a bigger space. There are several entrances to building and the main entrance is between two fingers. The exterior of the façade is mainly made of brick cladding, and parts of it have been plastered with two neutral colors.


The school has two outer staircases. An interesting contrast is formed by two different materials used on the inner and outer walls of the staircases. The inner and outer wall materials which are situated outside, and they create interesting contrast between it’s plastered outside and brick inside. The interior space consists of three floors which form spaces with different heights. Between the fingers the sunlight comes in through the large windows and to the main hall which has a tall glass façade. Natural light creates beautiful shadow play when it shines to the rough red-brick walls.


The color palette is inspired by nature. All the floors have their own signal color for safety reasons. With these bright colours are used to mark the places where the students are allowed to access. Light grey colour is a neutral colour which means that the door can only be accessed by staff. Materials used in the building are pure and simple. The bright red chairs on the first floor create a refreshing addition to the oak furniture.

这些颜色的配比是受大自然的启发。 所有的楼层都因为安全的需要使用了各自的标志性颜色。通过使用许多鲜艳夺目的颜色,来标志学生可以进入的场所。而通过使用淡灰色的中间色,来标志只有教职员工可以入内。楼内使用的材料都很简单与环保。在一楼除了橡木家具外,还有亮红色的椅子,给人一种清爽提神之感。

Volksschule Satteins


As a soft core, the extension of Satteins Primary School was erected in ocher-colored exposed concrete with a formwork of OSB panels. The chipboard texture of the formwork lends the façade a lively, irritating and fanciful appearance in the changing sunlight. The classrooms are fully lined with untreated, local silver silver fir wood which conveys a pleasant and homelike atmosphere through its warm, soft character and natural wood fragrance. In contrast, the common areas of the extension were kept to a neutral white. The wall surfaces painted with magnetic color as well as the numerous glass display cases invite a colorful and ever-changing use of the space. The new gymnasium/ multi-purpose hall forms the bright and lively center of the new build. Large sliding window doors can be opened to the green area around the old Linden tree, while the hall’s back wall can be folded downwards to be used as a full-fledged event stage.


The old as well as the new construction are equipped with a comfort ventilation system with heat recovery. All rooms provide barrier-free accessibility. A special highlight is the prize-winning “Art in Architecture” project by the graphic artists Angelika Mathis and Verena Petrasch. Satteins Kindergarten is regarded as a campus for kids. Together with both primary school buildings, the kindergarten encloses a central, green heart around a venerable, old Linden tree. The two-story structure follows the grade of the terrain to the south, thereby providing all ground level areas an optimal link to the outdoors. The entire site is a car-free “Campus” for children from three to ten years of age, with a multifaceted range of pedagogical possibilities both indoors and outdoors.

学校的新旧大楼都装置了带有热回收的通风系统,建筑内的所有房间提供无障碍通行。值得一提的是,我们的设计曾在“建筑艺术”项目中获奖,它由形象艺术家Angelika MathisVerena Petrasch发起的活动。萨泰恩斯幼儿园是孩子们的乐园。连同两栋小学楼的建筑,将一条心形绿化带围绕,一棵肃穆的老菩提树栽种在绿化带中心。根据地势走向盖建的双层幼儿园建筑朝南坐落,基于地势之便,各楼层都设置了直通操场的甬道。整个校园内禁止泊车。对于310岁的孩子来说,无论是在教室中还是在操场上,多层面多样化的教学都成为了可能。

Washington University Childcare Center


The University requested a sophisticated, masonry design incorporating playful elements that children would relate to. The design features clean volumes of dark brick, interrupted by vast glazed openings and monumental colored glass towers.  The fractured H shape of the building creates bright and airy spaces, with an abundant amount of daylight and views to the outdoors. The full-height windows used throughout the center allow for outdoor views for the children as well as the adults.


In order to conserve space for future growth of the North Campus, the building efficiently accommodates the administration, specialty rooms, kitchen, and infant, toddler, and transition classrooms on the first floor. Four preschool classrooms are located on the second floor. The first floor is designed to provide classrooms with direct access to the playground, with a courtyard playground for the infants and toddlers in the center of the building.


Having achieved a LEED Gold certification level, the center integrates many sustainable design strategies.  Using a VRF (Variable Refrigerant Flow) HVAC system, energy efficient equipment and lighting, lighting controls, and a thermally efficient building envelope, the building is designed to save 30% in energy costs over a comparable building. Classrooms feature abundant daylight and views. Regional, recycled, and rapidly renewable materials are used extensively.


The site-design strategies are focused around the children and sustainability. The landscaping -including the playground landscaping- requires no irrigation, using only native and adapted planting. Bio-swales, a micro-detention basin, permeable concrete sidewalks, and permeable pavers address the extreme storm-water control challenges that are unique to St. Louis. The North Campus is adjacent to a vibrant major development corridor with abundant neighborhood amenities. The North campus is served by a Metro-Link station, and many bus lines.


80-Bed Retirement Home


This project is situated on the Littoral Parc site, which is often criticised for having brought too many commercial activities to its strategic location on the riviera vaudoise on the banks of Lake Geneva. The goal of the master plan is to offer a scheme and landscape that create an alternative to the built-up environment of the adjacent commercial zone. The project creates a more unified and welcoming world in which architecture and nature live together.


The new retirement home is an H-shaped building, at the centre of which is an atrium, open on each of the building’s three levels, which houses the service areas and residents’ day rooms. The ground floor - on which the day rooms are located - is designed for the greatest possible transparency to provide a direct extension to the exterior, for both practical reasons and to maximize the view from the building.


The wings of the building house the bedrooms, which are arranged around a central core of bathrooms to free up the full width of the living space and orientate it towards a bow window. The window forms a seat, from where residents can enjoy the views.The volume of the building is slightly bowed by a few degrees, as if to welcome the surrounding landscape into the north and south external courtyards. The perforated corrugated sheet metal facades give the entire volume a feel of lightness and vibration that blends with the surroundings of the park.


85 Dwellings for the elderly and public facilities


The plot is on tibidabo hillside on the edge of Barcelona. It’s a 3.500 trapezoidal shape with a 3,5 meters gap on the short axis and mainly horizontal on the long oneIt has an excellent south-east orientation and it has some impressive views over Barcelona. 

The project has to solve a program of 6500 of social housing with 85 dwellings for eldly people and parking space for 28 cars. There are also 2000 of public facilities with a civil center.    


Main strategiesBest orientation. All of the dwellings benefit from South-East orientation.Housing units bars are concentrated on the north perimeter of the plot so the most of the land it’s available to build the civil center while keeping both best orientation and views. Topographical gap is solved with the parking and the civil center volume. It’s roof is understood as a fifth façade of the building. Mix of passive and active system to ensure a good climatic behavior and energy saving strategies.Economic containment. White and void are the only materials used for the composition of the facade. Housing units are the core of the system. Unit plan layout creates the longest interior diagonals possible so the space is perceived in its maximal length.


100 Unit Housing For The Elderly



Due to family and social alienation usually suffered by elderly, our ground floor structure and programmatic resolution resembles that of a small village. Rather than being concentrated and organized on a specific point of the plot of land, the different uses are dispersed throughout the whole plot and divided by large areas of gardens, making the daily schedule one of complexity and real interaction. Another problem commonly associated with aging is muscle atrophy. In our proposal, apart from the large area devoted to gardens, the building becomes a "walk inside", due to the wide corridors that connect the various rooms. These corridors confuse the boundaries between inside and outside, extending the use of these summer promenades to the winter season and oblige the elderly to walk around the building.


Single and double rooms are set along four long corridors, overlooking at the ground floor courtyards. This position enables them to have optimal lighting and thermal conditions easily controlled as the vegetation also acts as a regulator. All spaces are fully accessible and feature the latest developments in benefits to the elderly.



The gardens follow a similar approach to the rest of the building, creaing various outdoor circuits. Interior spaces relate directly with the external ones, extending the residents’activity into the gardens when weather conditions permit. Dislocations between ground and first floor lead to the creation of both covered and uncovered outdoor areas.




A New Accommodation Facility For Alzheimer’s In Paris


The architecture created by the Philippon Kalt team offers these very sensitive elderly people, who can become disoriented and stressed in confined spaces, a welcoming, spacious, and luminous living environment. The organization into apartments and fluidity of vertical and horizontal circulation promotes the free movement of residents. To facilitate navigation, this freedom of movement is combined with floors each identifiable by a specific color and a different morphology in every communal living room.On the first floor, spaces for care and wellbeing and a large, primarily glass lounge offer the greatest access to the garden. On each floor the six apartments are organized around a light-filled common living space and cross from one façade to the other.

Philippon Kalt团队设计的建筑,旨在为那些身处封闭空间就易困惑紧张又敏感的老年人,提供一个热情、宽敞、明亮的居住环境。房间入口的布局结构和水平与垂直的循环设计提升了老年人可以自由活动的畅通性。于此同时,为了更易于老年人的通行,每层楼都有各自易于辨认的特殊颜色,每一个公共的起居室也有不同的形态特征。在一楼有保健中心和福利设施以及一个硕大的玻璃休息厅,都能直达花园。每一层楼的六个公寓直通建筑物的两端,并且有序地围绕在一个阳光充足的共用起居室四周。

This friendly and family-oriented central space combines the functions of a lounge and dining room. It features a glass office where residents can re-heat meals or light snacks themselves. Ten rooms are distributed on both sides. The colors are bright and colorful on each floor to stimulate the residents’ cognitive memories and avoid apathy. The need for fire access to each room from the outside forced the creation of passages on the western façade overlooking the garden. In the background, the development of the façade in the form of large folds allows the constraints of the prospects to be integrated whilst still maintaining a homogenous whole. This visual link between the two offers valuable continuity for disoriented elderly people. This filter enhances the play of shadows and lights that is in harmony with those of the trees.


Bodathing Kópavogur


The project forms a group of four small nursing homes for the elderly. Each nursing home is for 11 inhabitants with small commune living and reclining area. This allows for a more personal and comfortable living environment. The four nursing homes gather around a central service centre for the elderly with community area, dining hall, arts and crafts, indoor swimming pool and physiotherapy. Where the nursing units connect to the service centre with glass hall a sheltered outdoor area is created to relax and recline or other outdoor activities.


Care Center Oosterheem


As Oosterheem care center was no longer meeting today’s requirements, DHA designed a plan to redevelop the nursing home and the adjoining properties. With the redevelopment of the new building a whole new neighborhood was created simultaneously. The grounds of the old nursing home would slowly make way for a new assisted living center. Three residential buildings and an underground parking garage are now under construction. The construction is phased out, requiring most residents to only“move house”once. The new assisted living center offers sheltered living apartments, care apartments, residential units and general facilities. The design with four story’s and a bent shape, mimicks the direction and scale of the surrounding neighborhood.


The residential buildings are eye-catching and compete with the height and scale of the adjacent Amphia Hospital. EGM based the design on "reversible construction”. Meaning that, in future, it would be relatively easy to convert two-bedroom care apartments into intensive care housing or three-bedroom apartments. Because most of the parking is underground, there is room for high quality landscaping. There are plenty of opportunities for residents and neighbors to meet each other. Outside in the garden for example or inside, where the central hall and the general facilities promote further interaction.

住宅建筑非常引人注目,在高度和面积上可以与毗邻的Amphia 医院媲美。GM采用的是双向建筑结构。也就意味着它将来可以轻易地将双卧室护理公寓转换成重病监护室或是三人房公寓。由于绝大多数停车位都位于地下,使得这里有足够空间可以享受到高品质的风景。这里的居民与邻居可以经常碰面,如在室外花园或室内的中央大厅与通用设施内,居民都可以促进彼此的联系与沟通。

De Remise


At a prominent place in the town Doetinchem, a residential health-care building has been built, designed with 16 apartments and a training home for people with special care needs. The architect has situated the apartments over two identical buildings to highlight their programmatic distinction.It also forms an obvious hinge-like point consolidating the existingvillas on one side and the new townhouses on the other side.


In such a constellation De Remise has its own position next to the large adjoining theater.The closed surfaces give the building direction and together with the twin-setting it emphasizes the strong gesture where old continues in new. In De Remise the architect tried to strike the balance between extremes: open and closed, hot and cold, hard and soft, nature and culture, light and dark... The open access gives the residents a sense of home, a house in the city instead of an apartment in a typical healthcare building. And seen from each separate home the glass facades offer a wide view of the world.

在这样的建筑群落里,De Remise紧挨着大型电影院旁。封闭的建筑表层确定了建筑的方位,并且与复式结构合二为一,突出了新旧过渡自然的结构。在De Remise建筑内,建筑师试图在极端中寻求平衡:开放和封闭、热和冷、坚硬和柔软、自然和文化、光明和黑暗…。开放的入口使得老人们拥有一种家园感,一种在城市里有家,取代了在典型医疗保健中心有一处公寓之感。从每一个独立的房间中,透过玻璃都能看到大片的景致。

The closed envelope of the two buildings consist entirely of roof tiles.It is a continuous shell that provides shelter to the homes. Large format roof tiles were chosen to rescale the perception of the existing scale of the villas nearby.Where the wall and roof make a large and expressive gesture, the facades are designed as a layered transition zone between inside and outside.More sophisticated detailed gables include staggered balconies, facade-wide windows and wooden balustrades.In front of the facade building high wooden columns are placed that bear the balconies and railings and give depth to the facade and changes the view continuously.


De Rietvinck

De Rietvinck私人疗养院

    Nursing home De Rietvinck for OsiraGroep on the Brouwersgracht was built in the early 80s and has recently been renovated. The current home now has an extra floor. Startingpoint are human scale and creating domesticity. The original horizontal structure has been transformed into a vertical articulation, creating a structure that is fully in keeping with the frontages of the inner city. The jury of the Hedy d'Ancona Award 2010 rewarded the renovation of De Rietvinck with a nomination.

    位于酿酒者运河的私人疗养院De Rietvinck建于80年代初,最近已经开始重新整建。如今的疗养院增高了一层。进口处更适宜通行,并且新设了家务室。最初的水平结构如今被改造成为垂直结构,形成了一个与市中心临街十分协调一致的建筑风格。De Rietvinck的整建荣获了2010 Hedy d'Ancona奖项评奖团提名。

    Originally started by an active group of local people, De Rietvinck now offers psychogeriatric care to forty elderly in small group living, 26 assisted living facilities and two facilities for short stay and day care. Marc Prosman Architecten decided for six small group homes for six or seven clients with a variety of lifestyles: Jordaan classic, modern and popular chic. The restaurant and shop on the ground floor welcome local residents and functions as Jordaan neighborhood center.

    最初的疗养院是由当地一个活跃组织创办的,而如今De Rietvinck 40位老年人提供精神疾病康复方面的护理。提供26个辅助的居住设施,和另外两个专为短期居住和日间需要托管的老人使用的设施。建筑师Marc Prosman决定为六位或七位客户提供六个小型的团体家庭,使他们拥有不同的生活方式,诸如约丹古典式、时尚与现代式。一楼餐厅和商店欢迎当地居民,它们的功能类似于约旦社区中心。

    The added floor ends with a series of roof caps, the apartments are cozy under the covers which soften the massive character of the original building. The facades are oiled in various shades always changing per facade pattern. This gives the renovated Rietvinck the same size and verticality that characterizes nearby buildings.


Eir Mosfellsbæ, Eirhamrar


Care homes for elderly at Hlaðhamrar, in the city of Mosfellsbær with 39 apartments. The building is placed in a natural context and form, colors and cladding create a natural play and camouflage appearance in the landscape. The building is 3-4 floors with grand balconies for each apartment. All balconies are different emphasising the organic and natural structure. The Building is dressed in ceramic tiles with aluminium cladding on balconies.


EIR Nursing home Fróðengi

Fróðengi EIR疗养院

A housing complex set in suburban setting in Reykjavik, Iceland. Series of connective buildings, creating a housing complex of 111 apartments. The building planning scheme is a series of connected buildings with interior pathway shaping a “snake” which bends back and forth to create sheltered inner gardens and easy access from parking lots. The building complex connects indoor to a service centre for the elderly. The range of apartments are from 1 to 3 bedroom apartments stepping up and down amplifying natural light into the inner courtyards and creating roof top gardens.


Campus Palmas Altas


Palmas Altas Technology Centre is designed to transform the typical image of a business park and become a new reference in sustainable architecture. This project aims to create a real community, compact and grouped around a courtyard. This consistent and logical space distribution that increases interaction and collaboration between employees is based on a system of exterior spaces, gardens and leisure areas, reflecting the vernacular Andalusian architecture.


This design presents high-tech environmental technologies such as photovoltaic panels, a trigeneration plant, methanol fuel cells, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems and lighting, both effic, ient and sustainable. Energy saving criteria has been applied to all design aspects: from the buildings’ geometry based on compact forms to the enveloping building’s composition, the distribution and design of the solar control devices or the choice of the materials. The result is a green campus providing quality of life and displaying a whole new concept for the future office complexes, pre-certified Leed Platinum and recognized with significant awards.


The National Creative Cluster


Since the beginning of the 21st century, Beijing has made huge strides to solidify its position as one of the world's great cities. It is a city that is modernizing rapidly—skyscrapers are rising out of fallow fields, a new transportation system is extending the reach of the city, and environmental initiatives are improving air and water quality. Fresh ideas are also emerging, while still embracing the rich traditions of the past. Near Songzhuang, a quiet village on the outskirts of Beijing, a unique opportunity exists to create a new urban district dedicated entirely to the cultivation of new ideas.The National Creative Cluster (NCC) is envisioned as the country's preeminent knowledge hub, making the district a center for China's innovative home-grown talent, and a destination for the world's most creative thinkers. Sasaki's master plan for NCC—selected in May 2012 for implementation—focuses on five structuring principles that underscore and support the overarching philosophy of the district: to bring industries with shared values and complementary skills and technologies together to help spark new ideas. Acting as an incubator, the success of the district is tied to its openness, where people can interact in both structured and spontaneous ways to exchange ideas and have constructive dialogue.To attract a talented workforce, NCC will also provide institutes for continuing education, museums and galleries for inspiration, entertainment venues to encourage social interaction, and bold landscapes to help recharge the mind, body, and spirit.

The district's diversity of industry, people, and spatial relationships are aimed to foster creativity and encourage an endless stream of new ideas.


The first principle of Sasaki's master plan is to integrate the urban form with the surrounding landscape. This is accomplished by creating a series of green wedges, interspersed within the urban clusters and forming a series of community parks. Second, a new transit loop creates a connection to the existing core of the Songzhuang Artists Village. Recalling the vital connections between trade and ideas, the loop encourages the movement of both people and ideas between the creative hubs at NCC and Songzhuang. Third, the plan creates a series of concentrated hubs organized along the loop, forming clusters of activity.

Each hub is designed to have a unique identity, forged by a careful mix of programmatic and landscape elements. The landscape is the focus of the fourth principle of designing a landscape that is both beautiful and functional. These landscapes encourage biodiversity, filter stormwater, and provide seasonal interest and color. Finally, the fifth principle ensures that the landscape forms a strong connection between humans and nature. Innovation and creativity at NCC is fueled by the ability to walk on the generous trail system, grow vegetables on a rooftop terrace, or socialize with others in neighborhood parks. 

Sasaki总体规划的第一原则是将城市形态与周围的景观相整合。这将通过创造散布在城市集聚区中的一系列楔形绿化带和社区公园而实现。第二,新的捷运环路建立了与现有宋庄艺术家村核心区的连接。该环路呼应了贸易和理念之间的重要连接,也促进了国家时尚创意中心(NCC)和宋庄各个创意核心区之间人与思想的流动。 第三,规划创建了一系列围绕着环路的集中枢纽,形成活动集聚区。每个枢纽通过指标内容和景观元素的谨慎混合而形成,都拥有独特的个性。第四个原则的核心是设计既美观又实用的景观。这些景观促进生物多样性,过滤雨洪,并提供季节性的趣味和色彩。最后,第五个原则为确保景观能建立起人类与自然之间的紧密连接。通过在丰富的步道系统中散步,在屋顶平台上种植蔬菜,或是在社区公园中与其他人社交,国家时尚创意中心的创新性和创造力得到了充实。

Atatürk Culture Center and Merinos Park


The site of this project is the old Merinos textile factory grounds, one of the landmarks of Turkey’s industrialization process during the 20th century.  Originally built during Turkey’s Early Republican period and opened by M.K. Atatürk on 2 February 1938, the Merinos factory was abandoned after the year 2000 and given to the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality in 2005, to be developed for cultural and creative activities.  The Merinos Park, Merinos Culture Center and the new Atatürk Opera and Concert Hall have been completed in April 2011.


This urban renewal project consists of three main parts, the Merinos Park, the Merinos

Culture Center, and the Atatürk Opera and Concert Hall:The Merinos Park serves the needs of the surrounding area as well as the larger urban area. With its thousands of new and old trees, artificial lake, jogging and cycling paths, seating areas, children’s play areas, cafe, snack bars and other facilities, the Merinos Park is an important, centrally located recreational complex for the city of Bursa.


The former Merinos Factory building, that had lost its practical and technical functionality, constitutes the main site of this re-use project. The newly transformed Merinos Culture Center houses the following cultural facilities: A music conservatory, art galleries, art studios, library, textile and silk museums. The Atatürk Opera and Concert Hall has been designed to integrate both formally and functionally with the Merinos Culture Center and Park. It includes a 1650-seat concert hall designed for opera, ballet and symphony orchestra performances, an 850-seat auditorium for conferences and concerts, a smaller 400-seat concert hall, a ballroom with a capacity for 1000 people, galleries, a cafeteria and other facilities. This complex fulfills an important socio-cultural need of the city of Bursa.


Aviation Science & Technology Park


The project is located northwest of the 3rd ring road within Beijing’s Zhongguancun High-Tech Zone. Plot owner is the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). The land is aimed to be transformed into a modern research and innovation center for the booming aviation industry.Seen from outside, the identity of the building cluster is created by focusing architecture, landscape and traffic upon the main and tallest – 100 meters high - office tower housing AVIC's headquarters.A mix of human scale and green technology forms the corporate image and prospective business strength, and by that the chance to give the company a thriving, prosperous impetus. Location, project requirements and character of the enterprise are generating a pioneer function for the whole area, in which the center is the protagonist regarding function and public space.

本项目坐落在北京西北三环,位于中关村高科技园区内。该地块属于中国航空工业集团,为了航空业的高速发展与繁荣,业主公司旨在将该地块打造成一个现代化的航空研究及创新中心。从外部看,整个建筑群集建筑,景观和交通为一体, 围绕总部建筑塔楼依次展开,总部办公塔楼高100米,是该地区最高的建筑。人性化尺度空间与环保技术的有效融合不仅塑造了该公司的企业形象,体现了未来该公司的业务发展优势,并有力的推动了公司未来的发展与繁荣。区位优势、项目功能需求及企业形象等决定了本项目在整个区域内功能上的领先地位,就其地块功能与公共空间而言,中心区无疑都是地块的主角。

The entire ensemble will be experienced as a sequence of interconnected yet distinct volumes of towers. The very group of buildings encircling the main tower conveys the park its characteristic profile when seen from different directions.The integrated spatial framework of the development unfolds in line with its two perpendicular main axes, spanning the park horizontally like two gigantic dragons, from which the headquarter tower is emerging vertically as image and landmark of the whole plot.The core area comprises research and laboratory centres, public services like hotel as well as supporting business and office buildings. A communication and training center is located right at the starting point of the North-South axis. In the sequence, major office buildings, small-sized innovative businesses as well as an exhibition center are lined up.


楼,成为了中国航空工业集团,乃至整个地块的形象和地标性建筑。核心区域分别有中国航空工业集团的项目研发、实验中心;酒店、配套商业的公共服务区以及配套写字楼。 在南北轴线的起点处有交流区域和培训区域;而主要办公区,小型创新型企业和一个展览中心沿顺序依次展开。

The architectural language follows the uses, with abstract and rhythmic facades combining 3 different materials: Dark metal panels are conveying elegance, solidity and presence to the AVIC buildings. Light grey is used for the small offices, reflecting a more dynamic, juvenile character; finally glass for the public conference building and the main towers, generating at the same time a strong night-time image. The combination of open courtyards inside the buildings and a unique landscape concept integrating large green roofs as fifth façade does not only meet the requirements of advanced office concepts. The open space concept also shapes an unmistakable atmosphere for corporate culture, for a rather casual working style and a climate of interaction and communication, all of which are necessary for fostering innovation and progress.



Culture Parks and the Contemporary City


For a fast developing society such as China, the economic imperative to develop new urban work space and it’s associated housing is very strong. The construction of cultural space can easily lag behind as the immediate need isn't always superficially obvious. However, in recent years the strong desire to create Culture Parks is a measure of China’s intention to ensure that urban development is matched with more a sophisticated urban network that can provide places for work, living and leisure.


After surfing the internet and walking, visiting parks are the next most popular leisure activity in China. Culture Parks are an important urban response to this desire to visit outdoor space. Critically they combine part of the experience of traditional ‘green’ parks with public amenities such as libraries, museums and galleries. This cultural mix offers a more sophisticated contemporary experience that has an educational function at it’s core.
    网上冲浪 、散步与逛公园是中国人喜欢的休闲活动。文化公园满足了人们需要户外场所的愿望。文化公园使得传统的绿色公园与图书馆、博物馆和美术馆等公共设施很好结合起来。这种文化的融合提供了一种体验,它以教育功能为核心,并更加地精致性与现代化。

The predominance of digital space, cyber culture and the information age is clearly not just the preserve of China, it is a global phenomena. At its most basic level this is defined by access to the internet, mobile communications and social media but big data and information technology permeates our lives at all levels and, often this is imperceptible and we simply take it for granted. In the face of such ubiquity the obvious questions are two-fold. What is the status (or even necessity) of physical urban cultural space and, how will such technology influence or impact the design of the contemporary city?


The presence of Cultural Parks in the urban landscape satisfy a number of needs. In the fast moving economy of modern China, the need for leisure time can easily be undermined by the demands of the working environment. Culture parks are a strong public statement of the need for a combination of education and leisure as well as an encouragement to take exercise during time away from the workplace. At a political level is demonstrates a serious interest in promoting the value free time and well being.


The challenge for the design of new urban space is to develop a contemporary city that properly reflects the new information age and one that results in a sophisticated, richly layered urban culture. It is easy to take a reactionary view and to either treat such technology as an opposition to physical urban space or as mutually exclusive worlds. If we embrace and hybridize these digital cultures we can construct new types of urban space. Datasets and information clouds can be a new raw material for our cities, they can both inform and reform. GPS and communication technology, sensing systems and interactive space could enhance and enrich our experience to create new ecologies of cybernetic cities. Indeed, it could easily be argued that, as the rapidly urbanizing regions of the world invent new cities, and in many cases from a blank canvas, these interventions are a necessity. Culture Parks should be at the forefront of, and essential projects for, such ideas.


Hakka Museum and Culture Park


It is an invited competition by Metamode, which was awarded First Prize. It is a proposal for a 6000 sq m Museum of Hakka Culture, a 20,000 sq m City Library, a 3,200 sq m Planning Exhibition Hall as well as a 1.3 km strip of landscaped park in Heyuan City. Heyuan is the fastest growing municipality in Guangdong Province and is well known as a centre for ancient Hakka culture.


The Hakka are Han Chinese people whose ancestors are said to have originated in the Henan and Shanxi provinces of northern China over 1,700 years ago. In a series of migrations, the Hakka settled in Guangdong, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces in southern China. Subsequently they were central to Chinese migration globally in the last century. The proposal takes reference from the forms of the celebrated Hakka rammed earth wall architecture, and is geometrically defined by the location of major centres of Hakka population throughout the world.


Science Parks


Science Parks are organizations managed by specialized professionals, whose main aim is to increase the wealth of its community by promoting the culture of innovation and the competitiveness of its associated businesses and knowledge-based institutions. Science Parks are a sort of specialised Industrial Parks, which allow under the best possible conditions, the interaction between education, research and technology development. In these establishments, services and products are of a high tech nature and usually focused in the fields of IT, electronics and telecommunications, public health, energy and environment. A Science Park stimulates and manages the flow of knowledge and technology amongst universities, companies and markets.The facilitation for communication between the different professionals is one of the important features and the spirit of the Science Park has to be readable at the design of the whole institution.


Leüthens Kulturhage


‘Leüthens Kulturhage’ will be a new gathering point in the city, providing the setting for community and informal meetings. The design of the new office facilities for Trondheim City in Leüthenhaven beautifully connects the building to the new cinema, front square and existing theatre as well as the many other educational and cultural institutions in the area.With its open design, the new municipal building invites people inside, and the building thus gives something back to the city. Clad in natural materials, , the facade stands out in a welcoming and embracing expression. The design is inspired by Johan Caspar De Cicignon’s masterplan for Trondheim. The concept of the masterplan is reflected in the design of the new municipal building and cinema to provide the buildings with a historical reference.The down-sized scale of the office building – as regards height, materials and geometry – relates to the surrounding city. With its human scale, the building meets the city at eye level, and the displaced floors and projections contribute to opening up the building to its context.

Leüthens Kulturhage项目将成为城市中一个新聚焦点,它为举行社区活动和召开非正式会议提供了场所。项目地处特隆赫姆市的Leüthenhaven,新的办公设施设计将办公大厦与新电影院,前方广场﹑现有的电影院以及该地区其他许多的教育文化机构完美地结合在一起。新市政大厦开放式的设计,即欢迎市民们的参观,同时也赋予了城市更多的意义。采用天然材质的外观,以它热情好客的姿态显得格外地引人注目。该设计受Johan Caspar De Cicignon特隆赫姆总体规划的启发。总体规划的理念体现在新市政大厦与电影院的设计上,使得这些建筑物具有了历史参考价值。缩减规模的办公大厦它的高度﹑所采用的材质和几何形状,都与城市的整体环境和谐,大厦的规模与城市整体规模统一,撤销了建高楼层和诸多规划,有助于提高大厦对周边的环境的开放度。

Lilanz Creative Centre


The Lilanz Creative Centre is a mixed-use project with fashion studios, offices, retail facilities, a training centre, showrooms, an auditorium and art galleries, as well as staff residences and serviced apartments, with associated amenities, such as a swimming pool. It is to be a hub of creativity and innovation in Jinjiang, China, allowing art, fashion and design to seamlessly fuse, resulting in an inspirational and dynamic environment for work and living. A place, where visions for sustainable living and successful business, in China, coalesce into one, is destined to be an iconic axis of creativity.The various complexes within the Lianz Creative Centre fuse European and Asian design concepts. Soaring diamond shaped glass curtain walls and steel canopies reach for the sky, while enveloping the entire complex in a ‘Las Rambles’ style boulevard, embracing those below and instilling a sense of calmness to this microcosm of energy. This elegant balance captures the spirit and heart of this ambitious 60,000sqm development, reflecting dwp’s own design philosophy – simple, elegant design solutions, generating environments that respond to both material and spiritual needs.


National Advertising and Creative Industry Park


The new advertising and creative arts zone in Beijing, aimed at rivalling the success of areas such as Soho in London and Madison Avenue in New York. The National Advertising Industry Park is located to the south of the Central Business District of Beijing. It will house both Chinese and international advertising and creative industry companies, and is intended to be a national hub for these sectors. The new neighbourhood is defined by a parallel main avenue and riverside park. The avenue is lined with a series of three to five storey buildings, all of which include ground level display and retail spaces, intended to bring a genuine “street life” to the district. At the centre of the masterplan is a public square and pedestrian zone, which connects north across a new bridge to the CBD and south to the new museum and conference centre.


The scale of these blocks are manipulated to create an intimate feel around the public square whilst presenting the museum and conference building as a major civic amenity.
Tall buildings act as bookends to the scheme, in response the wider urban context. The easterly tower provides a strong image to the Fourth Ring Road that passes close by. This tower also includes a large roof top display screen in order to showcase advertising The westerly end of the masterplan includes a pair of towers which sit either side of a major route connecting south Beijing with the CBD, and these towers form a gateway arrangement.
All of the buildings within the masterplan have been designed to be highly sustainable, with shallow floor plates intended to allow maximum natural light and ventilation. The district is also intended to be pedestrian friendly, a rare commodity in Beijing.


Super Agora


The project is located to the southeast of the established international unit in Baiyun District of Guangzhou. The new construction site covers a total area of 55,000 square meters, and is connected to the airport highway in the west and Lianhe Road in the north. With a total construction area of 110,000 square meters, it is a comprehensive office art district with office buildings, commercial areas and apartments. The biggest difficulty of the project is the complex terrain and how to guide people into the district. The entrance of the new project is at the back of the established unit among scattered residential area. We borrowed the concept Agora, ancient Greek public square, and divided the area into nine parts. Each part is given a different character, and is connected all together, and each part has its own square which creates different expressions of space. All the parts together form a “continuous square” concept, inviting people to visit and revisit. The new international unit is a factory renovation project, offering a sense of nobility and cleanness, and has become a very popular and vibrant office hub. Proprietors hope to transform the whole project into an enormous creative industrial park featuring office, entertainment and residence areas. 

本项目位于广州白云区,在已建成的国际单位一期东南侧。二期总用地5.5万㎡左右,西邻机场高速,北接联合路。总建筑面积11万㎡,是集写字楼、商业以及公寓等业态为一体的综合型办公创意区。本项目最大的难点是复杂的地形和如何引导人群进入。二期入口在一期背面, 夹杂了一些现有住宅,还有部分用地互相分离。我们使用古希腊时代市民广场的手法(agora),把地区分成九个区域,并且给每一个区域都设置了不同的性格,用连续广场这个概念,把每个区域连接在一起。并在每个区域设立广场,打造出富有不同表情的空间,提高人流动性及整体回游性。国际单位二期是工厂改建项目,给人清洁高尚的感觉,现已成为非常有人气和活力的办公聚集地。业主希望能够把整个项目打造成适合“办公”、“娱乐”、“居住”、的巨大创意产业园。

附录2 术语表







Atatürk Culture Center








Culture Parks




Childcare Center


communication technology


Chinese Special Economic Zone


Des Anglais












Irwell River Park


Imperial War Museum








Lowry Arts Centre


Lilanz Creative Centre  


Merinos Park


M.K. Atatürk


Media City UK


Merinos Culture Center


Museum of Hakka Culture


Madison Avenue


National Creative Cluster (NCC)




Riverfront Park






St. Louis.








sensing systems


Science Parks




The Ebro river  






Tel Aviv Port


Trondheim City


The Pearl River Delta






Wilkinson Eyre






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  • 중국&#
  • 俄语外来词的同化问题
  • 北海道方言中自发助动词らさる的用法与
  • 论高职英语教育基础性与实用性的有机结
  • 论高职幼师双语口语技能的培养
  • 论高职幼师英语口语技能的培养
  •     自分・この眼&
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  • 对学生英语上下义语言知识与写作技能的
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  • 论大学英语教学改革之建构主义理论指导
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  • Comparison of curr
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  • gastric cancer:ade
  • 揭示政治语篇蕴涵的意识形态
  • 试论专业英语课程项目化改革的可行性
  • 多媒体环境下的英语教学交际化
  • 翻译认知论
  • 读高桥多佳子的《相似形》
  • 以英若诚对“Death of A S
  • 论沈宝基的翻译理论与实践
  • 论语域与文学作品中人物会话的翻译
  • 浅析翻译活动中的文化失衡
  • 谈《傲慢与偏见》的语言艺术
  • 论语言结构差异对翻译实效性的影响
  • 英语传递小句的认知诠释
  • 英语阅读输入的四大误区
  • 在语言选择中构建社会身份
  • 私たちが見た、障害者雇用の今。
  • 震災復興の経済分析
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  • 喫煙行動の経済分析
  • 起業の経済分析
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  • 무설&#
  • 要想学好韩语首先得学好汉语
  • 사망&#
  • Expression and Bio
  • Increased Nuclear
  • 论女性主义翻译观
  • 健康食品の有効性
  • 日语的敬语表现与日本人的敬语意识
  • 日语拒否的特点及表达
  • Solve World’s Prob
  • 韩汉反身代词“??”和“自己”的对比
  • 韩汉量词句法语义功能对比
  • 浅析日语中的省略现象
  • 浅谈日语中片假名的应用
  • 土木学会論文集の完全版下印刷用和文原
  • 英语语调重音研究综述
  • 英汉语言结构的差异与翻译
  • 平等化政策の現状と課題
  • 日本陸軍航空史航空特攻
  • 商务日语专业毕业生毕业论文选题范围
  • 家庭内暴力の現象について
  • 敬语使用中的禁忌
  • Treatment of high
  • On product quality
  • Functional safety
  • 日文键盘的输入方法
  • 高职高专英语课堂中的提问策略
  • 对高校学生英语口语流利性和正确性的思
  • 二语习得中的文化错误分析及对策探讨
  • 高职英语专业阅读课堂教学氛围的优化对
  • 趣谈英语中的比喻
  • 浅析提高日语国际能力考试听力成绩的对
  • 外语语音偏误认知心理分析
  • 读格林童话《小精灵》有感
  • “新世纪”版高中英语新课教学导入方法
  • 初探大学英语口语测试模式与教学的实证
  • 中加大学生拒绝言语行为的实证研究
  • 目的论与翻译失误研究—珠海市旅游景点
  • 对学生英语上下义语言知识与写作技能的
  • 英语水平对非英语专业研究生语言学习策
  • 英语教学中的文化渗透
  • 中学教师自主学习角色的一项实证研究
  • 叶维廉后期比较文学思想和中诗英译的传
  • 钟玲中诗英译的传递研究和传递实践述评
  • 建构主义和高校德育
  • 论习语的词法地位
  • 广告英语中的修辞欣赏
  • 从奢侈品消费看王尔德及其唯美主义
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 企盼和谐的两性关系——以劳伦斯小说《
  • 论高等教育大众化进程中的大学英语教学
  • 试论《三四郎》的三维世界
  • 李渔的小说批评与曲亭马琴的读本作品
  • 浅谈中国英语的表现特征及存在意义
  • 湖南常德农村中学英语教师师资发展状况
  • 海明威的《向瑞士致敬》和菲茨杰拉德
  • 围绕课文综合训练,培养学生的写作能力
  • 指称晦暗性现象透析
  • 西部地区中学生英语阅读习惯调查
  • 论隐喻的逆向性
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 试析英诗汉译中的创造性
  • 言语交际中模糊语浅议
  • 认知体验与翻译
  • 关于翻译中的词汇空缺现象及翻译对策
  • 从互文性视角解读《红楼梦》两译本宗教
  • 从目的论看中英动物文化词喻体意象的翻
  • 高校英语语法教学的几点思考
  • 高校体艺类学生外语学习兴趣与动机的研
  • 大学英语自主学习存在的问题及“指导性
  • 从接受美学看文学翻译的纯语言观
  • 《红楼梦》两种英译本中服饰内容的翻译
  • 法语对英语的影响
  • 影响中美抱怨实施策略的情景因素分析
  • 代写需求表
  • 跨文化交际中称赞语的特点及语言表达模
  • 实现文化教育主导外语教育之研究
  • 试论读者变量对英语阅读的影响
  • 从文化的角度看英语词汇中的性别歧视现
  • 合作原则在外贸函电翻译中的运用
  • Default 词义探悉
  • 从图示理论看英汉翻译中的误译
  • 许国璋等外语界老前辈所接受的双语教学
  • “provide” 和 “suppl
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  • June 8, 1968: Robe
  • 60 players mark bi
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